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Lyu Junzhe’s Homepage

About me

Basic Information

Name: Lyu Junzhe(吕 俊哲)

Education Background for Now: Bachelor Degree in Mathematics

About Me

I’m a Mphil student under the supervision of Conan Leung. I’m now working on 3d mirror symmetry, a beautiful and mystery symmetry relating the geometry of some holomorphic symplectic manifolds and their mirror. And also bow varities, an amazing test ground that 3d mirror symmetry can be predicted in a purely elementary way. My goal is to understand 3d mirror of bow varities in a more geometric way.

Research Interest

  • 3D mirror symmetry; Bow varieties; Weierstraß functions


  • 2019 —— 2023: Shandong University —— Undergraduate;
  • 2023 —— now: Chinese University of Hongkong —— Master of Philosophy

Some Notes About Mathematics

My Emails

  • Email 1: jzlyu@math.cuhk.edu.hk
  • Email 2: taiatlyu@gmail.com

Some Chinese Mathematical Resources